10 beauty tricks for you postpartum

14 Outubro, 2019

Although it seems paradoxical, postpartum is the time when mom should take care of herself. After all, your baby will be completely fine only if the mother is too.

With this in mind, we have put together some postpartum beauty tricks that will not only give you a few moments of self-care, but will make you more beautiful and feel better.

Try it and tell us if you liked the results.

1. Shower exfoliation

Apply an exfoliating gel on the skin, making circular movements upwards. If you do this with the help of an exfoliating glove or sponge, the results will be even better. This technique will contribute to the removal of dead cells from your skin and, therefore, to a brighter skin. Insist on the belly and legs area. At the end of the shower, alternate between jets of hot and cold water to activate blood circulation.

2. Apply a moisturizer or sweet almond oil

Get a massage for a few minutes, insisting on the chest, abdomen and legs. Your skin will thank you and you will still feel more relaxed.

3. Outdoor walk

Taking fresh air will make her feel better and keep exercising. If you can’t leave your baby with someone else, take it with a sling, cloth or baby carrier. A 20 or 30 minute walk will help you exercise your legs, back and arms.

4. Bubble bath

Allow yourself a few minutes of pure relaxation. During one of your baby’s naps, prepare a bubble bath with a few drops of essential oil and / or coarse salt. You will feel more relaxed and refreshed.



5. Mask

You can choose to make a homemade mask or, if you prefer, wear a prepared mask. Let him play while you play with your baby. Good results in a few minutes. Easier is impossible.

6. Manicure and / or pedicure

If you can’t go to a classroom, do it at home. It’s 30 minutes just for you. If you challenge a friend to join you, even better. Or, if you have this possibility, you can still look for a professional to come to your home. It is no longer difficult to find aesthetic professionals at home.

7. Foot climbing

At the end of the day, soak your feet in a bowl of hot water and a few drops of lavender essential oil and coarse salt for 15 minutes. Massage with a cream or oil to reduce swelling and tiredness of the feet and legs.

8. Sleep

Rest is perhaps the best beauty trick we can give you. If you do not feel rested and your body does not replenish energy, this will be reflected in your skin and in your general condition. So give priority to your rest. A 20-minute nap with your baby can work wonders with your mood.


9. Drink water

Staying hydrated, especially if you are breastfeeding, is essential to maintain skin care. Always have a bottle of water nearby.

10. Good nutrition

Eat healthy foods, including lots of fruits and vegetables. Bet on giving your body what it needs from the inside out and you’ll notice the differences.

Make self-care your priority. After all, a mother deserves it!

With love, BBme de Joana Teles

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