Major changes to sleep patterns during pregnancy

24 Setembro, 2019

Did you know that about 75% of pregnant women have some kind of difficulty sleeping? Changes in sleep patterns in women during pregnancy are mainly related to hormonal changes, bladder compression and peaks of anxiety over childbirth and postpartum.


1st Quarter Pregnant women usually have complaints such as too much sleep and high tiredness. These symptoms are explained by the increased concentration of progesterone as well as the increased volume of blood in the circulation, which means that the heart has to work harder to pump it to the body and the baby. Sickness when you do not stay in the morning can also cause discomfort, so a balanced diet with light meals at regular intervals is recommended.


2nd Quarter Cramps can arise at this stage, alerting to the need for potassium and calcium replacement. Eating bananas, watermelon and dairy products can help. Stretching, a massage and a relaxing bath before bed also contribute to a more restful sleep.


3rd Quarter Frequent trips to the bathroom and difficulty finding a Comfortable sleeping position are the major changes at this stage. It is recommended that you avoid fluid intake near bedtime and sleep facing the left side to facilitate blood circulation and oxygenation. If sleep disturbances are causing problems and clearly compromising rest, expert help can be sought.

A child maternal sleep consultant, for example, can help you prepare a sleep plan, with indications that can improve your quality of life, such as what foods benefit or impair sleep, what exercises you can do to induce sleep. sleep, among other techniques and tools.

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